Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 1 Assessment and 1

Unit 1 Assessment

Q What is the normative principle of utility in either Mill’s words or Professor Smith’s words? Define the Greek word, deonDefine ethics as we will use it in this course.Define myth.Define morality as we will use it in this course.Explain Kant’s concept of a species mistake.What is the categorical imperative according to Immanuel Kant?What is the psychological principle of utility according to Mill?Differentiate between prima facie duties and actual duties as W. D. Ross does.

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In the common parlance, the word utility implies general well-being or happiness and according to John Stuart Mill, utility is the consequence of a good action. Mill explained utility in the following way: he believed that people desire happiness and since each individual desires their own happiness, thus the net product is that all of us desire the happiness of everyone thus culminating in larger social utility. Thus, it follows that an action which results in the greatest pleasure for the utility of the society is the best action.